Lifestyle & consumption

Lifestyle & consumption

Holiday home – asset or burden?

In the densely populated UK, at times the merits or lack thereof of holiday homes have become the subject of a heated debate on sustainability and the fair distribution of resources. Here in Sweden, the conditions are different and the research is essentially unanimous: holiday homes are often more of an asset than a burden for local communities.

Rea klädbutik

Lifestyle & consumption

Never-ending sales threaten the sustainability of commerce

Black Friday has morphed into Black Week, and in some shops even Black Month. Researcher Gabriella Wulff is finding that retailers are getting stuck in a vicious cycle of sales, promotions and overproduction.


Lifestyle & consumption

New currencies – a piece of the puzzle in the climate transition?

Imagine you have a special account with money that you can only use in certain stores or to buy certain items. How would this work in practice? Researchers at Lund University are studying how alternative currencies can contribute to more sustainable consumption.